Issue Nº 27: Spies who are folk-singers, unproblematic chapter books, and a fav NYC bookshop


Micro-Reviews for the Discerning & Literary Child

Sophie's library pick: Mercy Watson, an early chapter book about a pig who loves buttered toast. It's basically Amelia Bedelia without all the problematic misogyny.

Franklin Richards: Son of a Genius from Marvel comics. These are quick reads that are filled with lots of mad-scientist inspo for all of you STEM-lovers out there. Both my reader and pre-reader are digging these.


Asides, Ideas, Miscellany

Daydreaming about a trip to England, with kids. Here is the library we are currently building. (With lots of Woolf for me in anticipation of our journey to the Cornish coast.) I also picked up this illustrated biography of Woolf, recommended by Brain Pickings.

How one nation is combatting populism and nationalism with... wait for it... a state-of-the-art library! The new library in Helsinki is "very much a political project."

Why women matter in urbanism and city planning.

Peppa Pig is a street couture icon in China!

This article about the Russia investigation is a fascinating take on internet fandom, a phenomenon that has mainstreamed a critical approach to plot and character.

...out at Bryant Park from this Japanese book shop, a welcome respite from 28-degree weather and hordes of holiday tourists.

Oh boy. I'm knee-deep in the television series Patriot, a tragicomedy about a spy who is also a folk-singer. I haven't even started the second season of Mrs. Maisel, which is saying a lot.

Thoughts? Ideas? Recommendations? I love connecting with fellow readers, writers, parents, and humans. Please drop me a line!

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