For the Kids.

Hello, friends, teachers, readers & humans! Thank you for reading and as always, I appreciate your comments and replies!

“You are a whole person. And you are a person who is connected to others, through family and through shared experiences and through geography and through beliefs.

People will have opinions about what you do when you grow up. Or how you should act. Or what kinds of things you should make. Or how you should look or dress or talk or learn. 

But, ultimately, those decisions can only be made by you. And you may come to feel a certain way when others are trying to decide for you. Even if they think they know best, they are not you, and only you can ultimately decide what is best for you.

Not a friend. Not a company. And not even a government, much as we would like to think that everyone everywhere is looking out for our best interests.”


Listen to the full Roe v. Wade podcast or read the transcript here.


Things that made me look!

Who Was? is a TV show we have been getting a huge kick out of lately. It’s a kids’ variety show centering on two figures of history in an unlikely mashup. The church’s dismissal of Galilelo back in the day made me LOL (the kind of painful LOL that still rings true): “Turns out the justice system is often arbitrarily abused by those in authority to protect their own power.”

Never Too Young! is a book highlighting awesome young people making their mark in the world. Similar to the Rebel Girls biography series (but all genders!), this book introduces kids to other real kids, from history and today, who have made something, affected change, or pursued an unlikely path. There are engineers, artists, and philanthropists. Activists, musicians, and athletes. Check it out!

Love the quirky titles of this kids’ book series all about unapologetic “bad boys” of the contemporary art scene. Jackson Pollock, Banksy, and blue-obsessed Yves Klein are featured as art world rebels.


… for Young People!

Wowza. Once someone told me only write a book if you want to obsessively think about your topic for 5 years straight. Thank goodness Jane is one of a handful of people I could spend so much brain space with. Edits are a wrap (basically). I cannot wait to share Jane’s story with young readers!

Do you write for kids (or want to)? Links, tips and resources for writers…

Sometimes I wonder if the words I’m writing will actually connect with real life children. Now I can put my lingo and obscure 90s references to the test with the Young Editors Project. Kids get the opportunity to participate in book-making behind-the-scenes and authors get invaluable advice in beta!

When I meet writers in other genres who are interested in writing for children or professionals who work with kids and want to write for a young audience, my go-to, #1 tip is to friends is to check out SCBWI.

Do you have a neat tip or resource for the writer’s corner? Drop me a line!


Good book alert! Check out WHAT ISABELLA WANTED



Thoughts? Ideas? Recommendations? I love connecting with fellow readers, writers, parents, and humans. 
Please drop me a line!